Planet Green, a television channel devoted entirely to the green movement, aired yesterday, June 4. Unfortunately, broke college students like who can't afford the extra channels are unable to watch it, but it's still an amazing example of the proliferation of this movement into popular culture, as television is one of the most ubiquitous forms of popular culture around. Check out the website for the channel, and some of these preview videos ... as soon as I get the chance to watch a bit of it, I'll be commenting more!

the world through GREEN colored glasses...
We are in the midst of a budding ECOdemic. Loving the Earth is no longer a faux-pas. Tree hugging is hip. If People magazine were to publish a Sexiest Trend Alive issue this year, "Going Green" would be on the cover. But how compatible are consumerism and popular culture with the ideology of sustainability?
Through this blog, I take a look at popular culture - and more - through GREEN colored glasses.
Friday, June 6, 2008
green takes the screen
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