the world through GREEN colored glasses...

We are in the midst of a budding ECOdemic. Loving the Earth is no longer a faux-pas. Tree hugging is hip. If People magazine were to publish a Sexiest Trend Alive issue this year, "Going Green" would be on the cover. But how compatible are consumerism and popular culture with the ideology of sustainability?

Through this blog, I take a look at popular culture - and more - through GREEN colored glasses.

Friday, April 11, 2008

consumption nightmare

"We live in a culture that tells us that bigger is better, selling the belief that big houses, expensive cars and more stuff will make us happier - and we buy this idea, even if we don't have the money for any of it. We are told that quantity is more important than quality. It's not just at McDonald's - our society as a whole embraces supersize..."

This is one of my opinion columns for the Diamondback - the University of Maryland's Student Newspaper. Check it out HERE


get your green on!