the world through GREEN colored glasses...

We are in the midst of a budding ECOdemic. Loving the Earth is no longer a faux-pas. Tree hugging is hip. If People magazine were to publish a Sexiest Trend Alive issue this year, "Going Green" would be on the cover. But how compatible are consumerism and popular culture with the ideology of sustainability?

Through this blog, I take a look at popular culture - and more - through GREEN colored glasses.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

tune into green

I wrote about the green stylings of the green music world in some earlier posts. But now I want to get into another aspect of green music: the music itself. As the quote by Jack Johnson in an earlier post so aptly put it, there's just something about music that can bring people together and get the message across. It's a way to get people thinking about current issues in their everyday life, even if the message is subtle.

Well, there are certain songs that have connected to my inner greenness, and either got me thinking about environmental issues or in some way inspired me to keep fighting the green fight. So here's a playlist with some lyrical analysis for your green listening and literary pleasures ...

Track 1: All At Once - Jack Johnson

In his interview with Treehugger, When asked whether any songs on his new album are specifically in reference to the environment, Jack Johnson responded:

"They talk more about the emotions that I think people are going through right now with sort of the worry of tomorrow. I don't know that there is anything we specifically talk about, you know, environmental issues ... I think a lot of them use a lot of imagery of nature to try to explain things better whether it's anybody could understand, you know. And they make you feel like when I sing one of these they make me feel like wanting to do something positive and so I guess in the end that's the goal. I don't set out writing the songs for any purpose besides just getting ideas out of my head. I hope they have a positive impact on people."
Well, it definitely had an impact on me. When you're out there trying to get people to care about climate change, trying to get them to recognize the value and necessity for lifestyle change, life can get pretty disempowering. So this song really struck a chord for me (I can't help it - I LOVE PUNS), because it seems to be all about feeling overwhelmed by the problems of the world but being about to do something about it. Take a listen:

Track 2: Sleeping In - The Postal Service

... And then last night I had that strange dream
Where everything was exactly how it seemed
Where concerns about the world getting warmer
The people thought that they were just being rewarded
For treating others as they like to be treated
For obeying stop signs and curing diseases
For mailing letters with the address of the sender
Now we can swim any day in November ...

This song makes explicit references to global warming, and they're pretty hard to miss. To me it's a song pointing out how it's so easy to just close your eyes to the problems in the world, and live in a dreamlike state where you don't have to deal with the complexities of life. If only climate change were really as simple as swimming any day in November.

And as I mentioned in an earlier post, The Postal Service records with Sub Pop Records, the first green-e certified record label.

Track 3: Union - Black Eyed Peas

While this song is mostly about abandoning war for peace, for me, sustainability isn't just about the environment. Peace is central to the concept of sustainability, the whole concept behind interconnectivity. And to me, the words, "Realise that you can change the world by changing yourself" can apply to anything.

And the Black Eyed Peas performed at Live Earth.

Track 4: With My Own Two Hands - Jack Johnson Feat. Ben Harper

I think this one pretty much explains itself.

Any song suggestions? I'll be building on this playlist as time goes on. Comment and give me some ideas!


get your green on!